Friday, May 26, 2006


Changes are happening in my life; I need only to go with the flow. The decisions are made, things will progress now as they will. I may enter and exit the river of change as need be, time and deisre prompt. I feel privilaged to be attuned to life force; my livelihood depends on my attention. In practical terms this means . . .

I made a choice this year to stay home in Virginia for April and May instead of traveling to Texas to work a festival for my income as I've done for the last 15 years. I am learning to lighten my footprint. I've been driving not at all, raising a big garden and looking forward to the birth of puppies. I wake every day happy to be here in beautiful SW VA. I've been enjoying flowers in my garden that I've never seen bloom before. I feel privilaged to live this lifestyle and while I don'thave a lot of money I often feel that I live in luxury.

While re-evaluating my career choices, it's scary to let go of fairly predictable past decisions for less proven oppertunities, I'm so content to stay home it's hard to convince myself of the importance of literally stepping out of my comfort zone. My needs are satisfied and my wants are diminishing. Life is too short, or too long, to not follow my bliss.


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