Reading/Bears/Blogs and Simple Things
Been reading about bears. Yes, they are shy, so more singing when walking alone I say. I heard there are thousands of black bears in VA and there has never been an unprovoked bear attack. My friend Vera saw one the other day, it skedaddled as soon as they saw each other. She commented about how so very black they are, like they absorb all the light hitting them. And how fluid and fast they are, far faster than any dog, bigger than dogs too.
So I've calmed down about the bears, maybe I won't see any more this year, maybe I will. But I'm adopting the attitude that they are my friends, and I am blessed to see them.
One could spend a lifetime reading blogs written by older artistic women who have led interesting lives and are making astute comments on all that they see. And some of these people, usually women, see a lot. I began following the blogrolls of some of my favorite bloggers and quickly found enough fascinating writing to wear me out. These are the people you would have as neighbors could you pick your neighbors. I'm thankful for the internet for introducing me to these people.
But by comparison, and there's the rub, comparison usually not a good idea, my life seems so very simple. It is simple.
I often feel like my day is made by something as simple as noticing that the little green and white ground cover that came into my perennial bed from my mother's garden with another plant, has spread and is blooming it's little head off. It makes a lovely cut flower that stays nice for days. So what in the grand scheme of things does it matter if I notice this thriving ground cover? It matters to me that in that moment I was present to that moment. Is that enough? Enough for who?
You see why I don't post often. This is how many of my musing go. I have questions, not so many answers.
So I've calmed down about the bears, maybe I won't see any more this year, maybe I will. But I'm adopting the attitude that they are my friends, and I am blessed to see them.
One could spend a lifetime reading blogs written by older artistic women who have led interesting lives and are making astute comments on all that they see. And some of these people, usually women, see a lot. I began following the blogrolls of some of my favorite bloggers and quickly found enough fascinating writing to wear me out. These are the people you would have as neighbors could you pick your neighbors. I'm thankful for the internet for introducing me to these people.
But by comparison, and there's the rub, comparison usually not a good idea, my life seems so very simple. It is simple.
I often feel like my day is made by something as simple as noticing that the little green and white ground cover that came into my perennial bed from my mother's garden with another plant, has spread and is blooming it's little head off. It makes a lovely cut flower that stays nice for days. So what in the grand scheme of things does it matter if I notice this thriving ground cover? It matters to me that in that moment I was present to that moment. Is that enough? Enough for who?
You see why I don't post often. This is how many of my musing go. I have questions, not so many answers.